Section 12B Tax Allowance: Section 12B tax allowance for businesses investing in renewable energy projects, including solar power. This allowance allows businesses to claim deductions on their taxable income based on the capital cost of their renewable energy assets.
Accelerated Depreciation: Renewable energy assets, including solar panels, are eligible for accelerated depreciation, which allows businesses to recover their investment costs more quickly by depreciating the assets at an accelerated rate for tax purposes.
Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs): South Africa has implemented feed-in tariffs for renewable energy projects. These tariffs guarantee a fixed price for the electricity generated by solar systems and allow project developers to secure stable revenue for a set period.
Incentives for Small-Scale Embedded Generation (SSEG): South Africa has a specific program to encourage small-scale solar power generation, for residential and commercial customers. This program involves net metering, which allows customers to offset their electricity bills with surplus solar energy they generated and fed back into the grid